Aunt Rose isn't doing to well. She fell again today and her eyes are starting to yellow. She still has good days and bad days. I think the bad days are more common now. Her youngest daughter, Marthy, is down helping Teresa take care of her. I hope that Rosie can make it to the family reunion next week. I may ride down with dad.
Well since I pinched a nerve in my back, I haven't been able to work. This really sucks because that means that I am not contributing money to the household expenses. That is the worst thing about it. It is really degrading to a man when everything he has every worked for is taken away from him. Then on top of all that, I've pinched a nerve in my back and now work has been taken from me. I hope with all my heart that nothing else happens.
My step mom, Jackie, just got home from the hospital yesterday. She was sent Monday, from her doctors office. They thought that she was having or had had a heart attack. She had numerous tests ran as well as a heart catheter. The catheter showed clean veins and a great heart. I'm glad that she is in good cardiac health.
Well gonna close with a couple videos of the boys. One of the videos is of Christian taking a couple of steps. The video of Jerimiah shows him dancing in the front yard at dad's. These videos are great and are sure to make you smile. Be cool and be careful. GOD Bless.
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